How to use a Yoni Egg
Read our step by step guide for yoni egg use

What size to use?
It is recommended to start with a larger egg and work your way down into a smaller size.
The larger the egg, the easier it is to feel and get the muscles to grip them.
We recommend medium or large depending on your stage of life and if you've had children vaginally.
We offer a set of 3 for you to play around and see what fits you best.
The set of 3 egg sizes are

When you first get your Jade Egg, you want to boil it for 10 minutes to sterilise it. However, don't "overboil" your egg.
That means you want the water to be right on a boil and not way hotter because you can damage the stone. That means monitoring the heat levels and making sure that the boiling water is about 100 degrees Celsius/ 212 degrees Fahrenheit.
Once the water boils, you can turn down the heat so that it is boiling just at the right level.
Make sure the egg has cooled before you touch it and definitely before you use it internally!
Cleaning after and before use
- Use our crystal care toy sanitiser
- Wash your egg with soap and warm water
- Put a few drops of pharmaceutical-grade Betadine or Iodine in a glass of water and drop the egg in. Then rinse
Be sure to run water through the hole to really cleanse it out.
Avoid harsh cleansers or soaps with lots of fragrances and always thoroughly rinse your egg after washing to remove any residual cleaning product, Store in bag provided away.
Identifying your desire is the first step in the intention-setting process.
Simply hold the crystal close to you, take a deep breath and focus on the crystal and set your intention.
In the beginning, when you get used to the egg it is recommended that you string it for easy removal, but once you feel comfortable with it and confident that you can get it out, you don’t have to string the egg. To get it out you can either lay it like a Goddess Chicken of Pleasure, or let it come out on its own if you want to wear it around for a little while, or you pull it out with your fingers.
It’s important to use a new string each time.
Use string provided to thread through the holes in your yoni egg and tie a knot to secure string in place.
Find a comfortable position, this may be laying down, squatting or sitting.
Relax pelvic floor muscles, take a few deep breaths to relax and deepen the connection with your body and gently insert egg into vagina, using the larger side first. (like you would a tampon).
Water or a water-based lubricant can also be used around the vagina opening (the vulva) or on the yoni egg to aid with insertion.
Stand, kneel or squat on the ground, Squatting will shorten the vaginal canal and make it easier to remove your egg. or sit over the toilet.
Pull the string as you would when removing a tampon. Remove string and discard (String is biodegradable)
Wash your egg with soap and warm water only as boiling water can crack your crystal Yoni egg.
Dry and store in pouch provided.
frequently asked questions
Q: How long can you hang around/walk around/go about normal business with the egg in your body? Should it just be used for the practice then removed?
You can wear the egg around during the day. I wouldn’t have it in for more than 4 hours but each woman has a different tolerance and preference so you can feel into and test what works for you.
Q: Can I sleep with the egg inside?
If you want to sleep with the jade egg inside, then you can, but there have been some concerns that it could affect the vaginal canal sitting in there for many many nights – this isn’t confirmed by any evidence and I know many women who have slept with it in with no problem – but I can’t say definitively how safe it is. I do think there can be a cleansing effect from having it inside whether at night or during the day and nausea, coughing, and sweating can all be signs of a deep cleansing reaction.
Q: What oil or lube do you recommend?
We recommend our natural yoni oil or any Skin friendly oil such as coconut, almond, or sesame oil or pure silicone lube for your egg practice.
Q: To use coconut or sesame oil as a lubricant, do you spread the oil directly on the egg, or do you put the oil on your body?
You can do both: put oil directly on the egg and spread it on your body!
Q: After I do work deep into my vagina (cervix work) my bladder/womb area sort of aches afterward. Why is this? Is that a response to letting go of trauma?
The ache afterward is either just soreness from using muscles that aren’t used to being used (like a womb gym workout) – and sometimes it’s the moving about of energy as things move into a new normal. It’s very common.
Q: The string broke/fell out and now I can't get the egg out. Help!
Don't worry! The egg can't travel upward and get lost and it's not dangerous or harmful if it accidentally stays inside for a long time this time. I have never known of a woman that "lost" the egg who didn't eventually get it out.
So step 1. Relax. Or try to as much as possible. When you tense or worry, so does your vagina which makes it hard to get anything in/out. So try to consciously relax. I am 100% confident that the egg will come out.
Step 2. Sit in a squat position, or on the corner of your bed and try to push your vagina down and out. Add a big yawn on your face to help open the vagina and see if you can reach the egg with your fingers and scoop it out. Your vagina won't break, she's a tough one, so try to reach as far in as possible with your fingers/hand until you reach it. Some vaginas have a little "pocket" or "shelf" at the very back of the vagina, so if you don't feel the egg, then it can be hiding there. Again, don't worry, it will eventually travel down and you will get it out. It may take some time for it move down and for you to reach it and get it out, but it will come out eventually!
Q: IUD/Contraceptives
I was wondering if it is safe to still use the Yoni Egg practice with an IUD? Is there anything I should do to modify the exercise, or is everything ok with an IUD?
There are conflicting opinions on this but every Yoni egg teacher I’ve ever worked with says it’s fine as long as you don’t do weight lifting or string resistance practices.
However, if you feel uncertain, the only foolproof way is to ask your doctor who knows IUDs just to be extra safe because you wouldn’t want anything going wrong.
We recommend that you only do practices without weights and that you don’t do any string resistance practices, but all the other practices without the weight are fine.
Q: What is your take on doing the Yoni egg practice when you’re menstruating?
No egg inside during heavy flow days and during light days it’s up to you whether you want to use the egg or not. I’ve had some women use their eggs during heavy flow and get really intense cramping – it seems like the body wants to release down and out during heavy flow and working with the egg brings energy in and up and this can disrupt the natural process.
Q: I have started my period, any recommended practices, for the first couple of days?
When you are on your period, it’s lovely to do a breast massage to help move energies through your body – and the deep cleansing if you feel like it since your body is already in release mode.
Q: Pregnancy, postpartum, breastfeeding
I am pregnant. Can I do the Yoni egg practices?
I don’t recommend the jade egg practice while pregnant, but self massage is wonderful while pregnant, I’m not a pregnancy expert so I’d want you to check in about the belly portion from someone who is.
Q: My concern and question is in regards to continuing the egg practice during this conception and, God willing, the early part of pregnancy. I would deeply appreciate your feedback.
If you are strongly trying to get pregnant, it’s fine to use the egg as you are trying for conception, but as soon as you might be pregnant, stop use of the egg right away as it creates strong hormonal shifts and cleansing and it’s not recommended for use while pregnant. If you are worried about this – then do the nourishing practices like breast massage and focus on fertility and birth as you do it and don’t use the egg for now until after you have given birth.
Basically, the egg can help you with feeling turned on and passionate – so it can be good to use if you are trying to get pregnant – and traditionally it’s meant to enhance fertility – but you want to do whatever makes you feel relaxed and in the mood – which may be self-pleasuring and breast massage practices without the egg for now until after your baby is born.
When can I start my jade egg practice again?
When your doctor has said it’s okay to have intercourse again, you can start using the egg inside again.
Q: I had a hysterectomy, so I do not have a cervix; does that mean the egg can penetrate deeper and possibly have a more difficult time coming out or get “lost”?
After a hysterectomy, the doctors will sew up this end of your vagina to ensure that it remains enclosed and that nothing can pass through it and get lost in the rest of your body. You should be all clear to move through an egg practice, however, we recommend reaching out to your doctor for further details as we are not trained medical professionals.
Q: When I removed the egg, so much white fluid came out. What might this be?
There can be different reasons for this at different times in our cycle. If you’re ovulating, the fluids at this time can be different, so pay attention to where you’re at in your cycle and this can give an indication.
The egg can also increase wetness over time; that’s one of things we’ve seen as one of the positive changes for many women.
It can sometimes be something cleansing from inside the vagina, it could suggest an imbalance in PH levels.
Track your fluids and your cycle and get curious to what your body fluids might be telling you.